Mission Statement: To create a state-of-the-art, community resource to promote the physical, social, cultural and economic betterment of the Toxteth area.
The company was incorporated under the Companies Act 1985, under the terms of the Memorandum and Articles of Association dated 23 April 1997, as amended by special resolution dated 15 June 1999, and was registered as a charity in accordance with this governing document on 6 July 1999.
The objects of the charity are: -
a) To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Toxteth and the neighbourhood thereof (hereinafter called “the area of benefit”) without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race, or of political, religious, or other opinions, by associating together the said inhabitants and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare, for recreation and other leisure-time occupation with the object of improving conditions of life for the said inhabitants;
b) To establish or secure the establishment of a community centre, and to maintain and manage the same, whether alone, or in co-operation with any local authority, or other person or body, in furtherance of these objects
c) To promote the efficiency and effectiveness of charities and the promotion of the effective use of resources for charitable purposes by charitable and non charitable bodies in the Toxteth area but not exclusively, by the provision or by procuring the provision of accommodation, information, assistance and other support services